Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Member Missionary Work!

 This post is a bit more centered on the members of our church.  If you are not a member, feel free to read on but for now I want to talk a little bit about missionary work and how we as missionaries can help you to do your missionary work!  We all know the call to action from President David O. McKay,  “Every Member a Missionary!” Meany of the members have served missions and know that the best way to find and teach prepared people is when the members follow the spirit and invite someone to be brought into their home to be taught by the full time missionaries. 

You may think to your self, "But I live in a place where its hard to share the Gospel, or every one I talk to is already a member." Don't worry there is still work for you to do! You can work with your bishop to find a less active family to fellowship and work with towards reactivation.

Most of what I talk about today will be from a talk given by President M. Russell Ballard in April 2003 General Conference.  In this talk Elder Ballard suggest three things that we as members can do to do member missionary work and be effective tools in the Lords hands.  The First thing we should do is exercise our faith and pray individually and as families, asking for help in finding ways to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord to open the way.  Praying in faith that the Lord will set prepared people in our path that we can talk to about the restored gospel will show got that you really intend on fofilling your responsibility as a true follower of Jesus Christ.

Second, President Ballard teaches us that leaders must lead by example. The Spirit will prompt and guide you in finding those interested in our message. Your personal worthiness will give you the courage and the spiritual power to inspire your members to actively help the missionaries.

Remember that the bishop holds the Keys to the work of the ministry in his ward boundary.  Go and ask him how you can help with missionary work.  At the very least watch his example and the example of his ward mission leader.

I want to talk about how the youth of the church can help with this. I remember before my mission, I would go on exchanges with the missionaries and work with them so that they could have a member at there lessons. This was nice for them and me and it was a good thing for me to get to see first hand missionary work. But the best thing for me to do would have been to try and find friends and peers that I could help introduce to the church. It does not have to be anything bid or scary. It could be as simple as inventing them over to a family home evening. I don't think any of your friends would be offended if you invite them over for a fun night with a short spiritual thought, a few games and a treat!

Other ways you can work to share the gospel are by using Facebook and other social media. Look for uplifting ways to post videos and pictures that are gospel related that will help others feel the spirit. You can also make a profile that you can share with your friend. The best way to use social media is to have it all link together. Have links on your Facebook page to your blog and/or to  You can find videos on Mormon Channel to share with a friend who is having a hard time.   The Church has excellent resources that we can use to share the gospel in a non-threating way.  
Use the Official Church Websites like and Mormon Chanel

For the Third point i would like to use Elder Ballard's own words he says, "Third, member missionary work does not require the development of strategies or gimmicks. It does require faith—real faith and trust in the Lord. It also requires genuine love. The first great commandment is to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. … The second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matt. 22:37, 39).So let the power of love guide us in sharing the gospel with family members, friends, neighbors, business associates, and any other people we encounter as we go through life. Most everyone wants to enjoy peace and happiness. That is a natural human desire. People want to find answers to the problems they face. This is increasingly true in the world we now live in." 

The Lord has promised us that He will be on our right hand and on our left. After all this is his work! We are so blessed to be able to take a part in it! Think of the way you feel after you randomly help a stranger or someone in need who did not ask for it. That kind of feeling comes from doing missionary work! And the best part is we have a Promise from an Apostle of the Lord. ELDER NEIL L. ANDERSEN- "I promise you, as you pray to know with whom to speak, names and faces will come into your mind. Words to speak will be given in the very moment you need them. Opportunities will open to you. Faith will overcome doubt, and the Lord will bless you with your very own miracles."

I pray that the Lord will bless you in as you share what you know to be true with the people around you! I know that what I share it truth, that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet who Restored Jesus Christ church onto the earth once more and that we are being led by a prophet of God! I love this gospel and i love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And in his name I say this,



Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why the "Lighthouse"?

           Some of you may ask, why would you call your blog the Lighthouse?  I was trying to be metaphorical. Allow me to explain. We are all like ships on the sea, sometimes we have storms we have to ride and other times life is a little more smooth sailing. There are times in everyone's life when they
feel lost, or feel like they don’t know where to turn for peace.

The comfort a lighthouse brings to a weary sailor is the same kind of comfort I would like to bring to those who may be riding there own storms in life, or just need somewhere to turn for peace and relief. I don't want
this to sound like I am the source of peace or comfort, let me make it clear that I am not – nor is this blog.  But the Gospel of Jesus Christ
is!  Our Lord and Savior is the ultimate source of love, peace, temperance, long suffering, forgiveness and lasting happiness (key to that phrase is the word "lasting").

We ALL make mistakes in this life, and mistakes, at one point or another, will bring us guilt, shame and move us away from God, our Father. But there is hope, we can repent and change ourselves, our thoughts and actions. We can always try to be better. And the best part is that we will be forgiven if we truly repent. That fact brings me so much happiness and comfort.

I want to spread that happiness and comfort to everyone I come in contact with! Through Christ we can be saved, if we allow him to.  Just like the ship that heeds the warnings that come from the lighthouse – we too can find safety.

Pleas feel free to comment or ask questions! I am open to suggestions on
what to write about. Also feel free to look at my Facebook Page Elder Logan Raban.

I love the Lord and his restored Gospel!

Thank you for reading!

Elder Raban


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Run Down!

                                                     Genesis 1:1 In the beginning...

               First of I would like to thank you for taking the time to reading my blog, I am a missionary from the Washington DC South Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  This is a What I believe blog, with funny but uplifting posts as well. I am a very light hearted guy and need humor to function but as we all know there is a time and a place to be serious. The things I blog about and post are NOT the official stances of the church. Please feel free to comment or to email me directly at if you want to know more about the church. I would always be willing to set  up a time to Skype or Chat on Facebook. Also please invite your friends and family to read and comment! Thank you! Love you!